Something about myself (in English, Duh!)

Well, hello! I'm glad you stumbled upon this little blog lost somewhere in cyberspace! Truth to be told, I'm probably not particularly good at writing this kind of thing, since this is the very first time I do something like this. Therefore I humbly ask for your patience and comprehension, as most of what will appear on this blog will probably seem very unprofessional and not as well done as it could be. Also, English is not my first language, so I would thank you very much if you pointed out any mistakes on grammar or word usage you may spot and also to take any technical information I write about in English with a grain of salt, since it may have some errors.

Anyway; my name is David, I'm Mexican, and I'm currently taking a degree in food engineering in a university in Puebla, a small city in central Mexico, called the "Universidad de las Américas". If you came to this blog searching for expert opinion on food science and industry, then I must tell you that I'm sorry but this isn't the blog you are looking for. I'm only a 19 year-old student with a mission, and hardly an expert on any field; however I do hope to make a splash (however small) with this blog and offer some relevant information to this marvelous world we like to call "the internet".

You may have realized by now that this will not be a stuck up sort of scientific blog. I'm planing on making it maybe a little bit informal an uncomplicated without making it seem vulgar or careless. Even though this blog will be used to record the process of writing a scientific article (more on that later), I don't see why the record should be as serious as the final product, which will be written in the appropriate language and format (or at least I hope it will be). Above everything, though, I hope to make this a fun and interesting project that will seem more like an experiment (which it will be, because I really don't know what I'm doing).

Now, let me brief you on what this is all about. This month (July, 2013) I will be taking a summer course in my university on academic and scientific narrative and the assignment for the course is to write a scientific article about a current topic in our areas of study and also to write and publish a blog (this one) in which we will create a sort of "journal" about our investigation and work in the article. Apart from this, my personal goal for this blog is to create a more intimate space, something along the lines of "behind the scenes", on which I will offer a personal insight on the progress of the article. The process in question is very likely to be clumsy all the way to the end because this is the very first time I write something of this magnitude. For this reason, any constructive criticism is well appreciated. Once the project is done, this blog will probably be abandoned (sad, I know) or it will drift apart and degenerate into something completely unrelated. If I decide to keep using it, I will try not to write it away from its original purpose, but I can't really make any promises.

Something else about myself, you say? Well if you want to know what sort of person types away behind these walls of text, I'm a tall, lanky dude with a huge nose and messy hair. I enjoy writing and reading, I particularly enjoy science fiction and fantasy novels and short stories. I'm also a huge fan of video games, Nintendo in particular, and probably will be for life. I like music. I don't like to listen to only a few genres, though; I like to be open-minded about what I listen, however dubstep and hip-hop (amongst a few others) are not well received by my ears. I also have a passion for chemistry and biology. This might change as I plow through my classes, but so far I haven't lost interest (yay!). Lately I have discovered that I enjoy taking care of houseplants, and I'm trying to grow my own in-house veggie garden from scratch. Progress with this has been slow, but I hope I'll get better at it with some practice. I also enjoy learning languages, and apart from Spanish and English I can speak, read, write, and understand some Japanese and German, though I'm still studying and probably still at level too basic to write a non-ridiculous blog entry in either (but soon...). Still, I have hopes of someday taking a degree in linguistics and also plan on taking on a fifth language. Someday.

Anyway, thanks for reading through all that, and I hope you enjoyed this brief introduction as much as I enjoyed writing it. I also hope that you stick around to enjoy (and hopefully learn something of) what is to come next. This is all for now; goodbye, have a good morning/day/afternoon/evening/night, and may the Force be with you/may the odds be ever in your favor/live long and prosper.



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